To join any of our ministries or for more information, please contact the Parish Office or complete the Ministry Interest Form.
This group helps to maintain parish buildings and grounds. They utilize their talents for hands-on maintenance projects, which include carpentry, electrical, plumbing, masonry, and landscaping.
This committee focuses on providing the latest engaging materials, speakers, and study groups to help parishioners grow in their knowledge and love of their Catholic faith and Christ to help them become disciples.
Members of the Finance Council advise the pastor regarding the management of parish finances and property, review parish business operations, prepare budgets, and identify needs and expenses for upcoming facility maintenance.
The parish social committee organizes and leads events and activities at the parish.
The Pastoral Council is an advisory group for the pastor for the direction of the parish. It seeks to foster unity, assess needs, encourage parish participation in spiritual and apostolic life, and provide a forum for parish dialogue.
The Stewardship Commission works to broaden our opportunities for growth as disciples, as we share our gifts in the areas of Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service.
Committee members visit new parishioners and welcome them to our parish community.